West Bengal Chief Minister went on a sit-down protest against the centre amid clash between Kolkata police and the CBI. She went on the “satyagraha to save the constitution” late on Sunday evening and has since challenged the union government to impose President’s rule on West Bengal
Soon after a clash between the CBI and Kolkata police on Sunday evening, West Bengal Chief Minister, Mamata Banerjee went on a sit-down protest against the Centre in the heart of Kolkata around 8:30 p.m. on Sunday. Prior to this, close to forty CBI officers showed up at Kolkata Police Commissioner, Rajeev Kumar’s residence to question him about missing documents linked to a 2013 Special Investigation led by the Chief in the Saradha and Rose Valley chit fund scams. According to the CBI, the Commissioner had been ignoring the Bureau’s summons.
Reportedly, CBI officers that showed up at the Commissioner’s house were detained for few hours at a local police station in Kolkata. Opposing the CBI’s actions, Mamata Banerjee said “How dare you come to a police commissioner’s home without a warrant? Mr Doval (National Security Advisor) is doing whatever PM wants him to do, he is the one giving all the instructions to CBI”. She further added that showing up at Commissioner Rajeev Kumar’s house indicated a “total constitutional breakdown”. The Kolkata chief of police has since joined the Chief Minister in her sit-down protest.
Speaking about the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), CM Mamata Banerjee asserted, “They cannot fight us politically. That’s why they are resorting to all this.” Many opposition parties, including the Indian National Congress, have extended their support for the leader of West Bengal. Congress President, Rahul Gandhi affirmed, “I spoke with Mamata Di tonight and told her we stand shoulder to shoulder with her.” He added, “The happenings in Bengal are a part of the unrelenting attack on India’s institutions”.
On Monday morning, the CBI told the Supreme Court that Police Commissioner, Rajeev Kumar is a “potential accused” in the chit fund scam as the Kolkata police is likely to be responsible for destroying electronic evidence in the case. The Supreme Court has ordered the CBI to produce evidence for supporting the allegations.
Ahead of the 2019 General Election, Mamata Banerjee has restricted the ruling party from carrying out roadshows in her state, not allowing even senior BJP leaders to entre rally sites. The West Bengal CM has now dared the Centre to impose President’s rule on the state.
The issue led to the adjournment of both the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha on Monday afternoon amid ongoing 2019 Budget Session. During the Question hour in the Lok Sabha opposition parties, Trinamool Congress and Telangana Rashtra Samiti came together to chant slogans against the ruling party. The Congress also participated the protest, further highlighting the Rafale deal issue. As ruckus broke out, Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan adjourned the session for the day. In the Rajya Sabha, AAP MP Sanjay Singh tabled the suspension of business for discussing the Mamata Banerjee vs CBI issue. The situation soon turned chaotic and the upper house of Parliament will now be reconvened on Tuesday.