Chief Minister of Maharashtra Uddhav Thackeray said he has ordered a review of all on-going development projects in the state. The order also includes the Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train.
The bullet train project has faced stiff opposition from farmers and tribals whose lands are to be acquired by the government.
The 59-year-old also said his government will withdraw all cases against people protesting in September against the felling of trees to make way for a metro car shed in Mumbai’s Aarey Milk Colony.
Maharashtra’s CM on Saturday night said that “This government is of the common man. Like you asked now, yes, we will review the bullet train (project)” Furthermore, he said that “Have I stayed the bullet train project like Aarey car shed? No, I haven’t,”
Along with this, he showed concerns regarding the financial conditions of the state and reiterated his unconditional commitment towards farm loan waivers. He said that the state government will also come out with a white paper on the financial condition of the state.
The state government is firm on giving unconditional loan waivers to farmers who have a debt of nearly Rs 5 Lakh Crore, he said.
The announcements came a day after the Thackeray-led Maharashtra Vikas Aghadi (MVA) government forged by the Shiv Sena, Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) and Congress came to power.
The alliance formed the government after winning the trust vote in the state assembly. The process took more than a month after the election results were out. The alliance got support of 169 legislators in the 288-member House.
The CM said that there would be no vendetta politics. Importantly, the priorities of the previous BJP-led government in the state – in which his party was a constituent – were not “misplaced”,