Iran vows revenge and the US deploys over 3000 troops in the Middle East as tension brews over the killing of Iran Commander Soleimani in US drone strike.
The pre-dawn airstrike carried out by the US drone that killed Iran’s military Commander Soleimani outside the Baghdad airport on Friday has set the world on its edge. The fear of war looms over the US and its allies as Iran vows revenge for the assassination of Gen Soleimani whose martyrdom is grieved upon by nationwide mourning. The expected retaliation from Iran has put the Middle East in disquiet over possibilities of regional conflict.
The uncertainty of the US-Iran turmoil following the airstrike might pave the way to economic trouble as crude oil prices soar high. The possible retaliation from Iran has put the Gulf shipping route on high alert. The Islamic Republic has declared the US air raids as an ‘act of War’. Russia and China have asked both the sides to de-escalate the tensions to avoid another Gulf War at any cost. The Israeli embassies and IDF are also on high alert.
According to US President Donald Trump, his orders to “terminate” Iran’s most powerful military commander was necessary to stop the imminent threat that Iran imposed upon the US personnel in the Iraqi soil. General Soleimani and his Quds forces have long been considered as the enemy of the state by the US as he had evaded assassination attempts on his life by the US and Israel a number of times.
The escalating tensions have been criticised as the result of US President Trump’s inept Iran policy that has raised questions his leadership and administration.