Israel Signs Free Trade Deal With UAE: Its First-Ever in The Arab World

After months of negotiations, Israel and UAE signed a free trade agreement called “Comprehensive Economic Partnership” on Tuesday, 31st of May. This...

UAE President Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan Dies at 73

On being coronated, his hope was to follow in the footsteps of his father. In a heart-warming speech, he said, “ will...

Iran, Saudi Arabia Complete Fifth Round of Talks

Middle Eastern powers Iran and Saudi Arabia participated in the fifth round of talks in Baghdad on 22 April. The talks, aimed...

Saudi, Kuwait to work together on gas field

Gulf countries - Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have agreed to develop a disputed gas field. The decision comes amid objections from Iran....

Israel, UAE sign a Free Trade Deal

According to a statement, Israel and the United Arab Emirates have concluded negotiations for a free trade agreement.  The...

Oil Crisis: UAE Committed to OPEC+ Agreement

Amid spiking oil prices, there was some relief as the oil prices came down to 12% on 9 March. The price came...

UN Nuclear Watchdog Head Arrives in Iran Amid Hopes of Deal

Rafael Grossi, the head of UN’s nuclear watchdog chief arrived in Iran’s capital late on 4 March. The visit comes amid the...

Iran, Qatar Signs Major Agreements on Raisi Doha Trip

Qatar and Iran signed around 14 agreements on 23rd February 2022, during the two day visit of President Ebrahim Rasis to Doha....

Saudi Arabia Plans to Restart Talks with Iran

The Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister has made a statement that the kingdom is planning to restart talks with Iran. Minister Prince Faisal...

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Visits the United Arab Emirates

On 14th February 2022, Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan arrived in the United Arab Emirates to discuss and further enhance their coordination and...

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