After a comprehensive Indian cabinet session on Thursday, the Centre approved the development of Kartarpur corridor on its side of the border. The announcement about the development was made by the Indian Finance Minister, Arun Jaitley. This would enable Indian pilgrims, who wish to visit Guru Nanak’s resting place, Gurudwara Darbar Sahib Kartarpur in Pakistan. The Indian government has further clarified that the resolution for the development of the Kartapur corridor also focuses on plans for the celebration of Guru Nanak’s 550th birth anniversary in 2019.
Post the cabinet decision, the Indian government, reportedly, urged Pakistan to initiate the development on their side of the international border. In response, Pakistan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Shah Mahmood Qureshi tweeted that Pakistan had already expressed its eagerness to India about opening the Kartarpur corridor for the 2019 Guru Nanak Jayanti.
Earlier this week, Pakistan approved visas of over three thousand Sikh devotees who wished to visit the shrine on Friday. The 4 km Kartarpur corridor, 2 km on each side of the border, would allow pilgrims to travel visa-free. Indian govt. officials have asserted that the corridor would allow maximum movement and would be open throughout the year for the convenience of the Sikh community.
Reportedly, Pakistan’s Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Fawad Hussain Chaudhary said India’s decision to initiate the development of the Kartarpur corridor is a victory of peace lobby for both India and Pakistan.