The latest name to emerge in the #MeToo controversy is that of famous actor’s Nawazuddin Sddique. Ex Miss India and actress Niharika Singh has accused the ‘Manto’ actor of grabbing her and letting her go until she gave in, soon after which, they began dating. In her statement, Niharika Singh revealed that Nawazuddin Siddique was seeing multiple women despite having a wife. It is at this point that she called her relationship off with the actor. When she refused to begin a sexual relationship with him again, the actor damaged her reputation as an actor and ensured that she did not receive any film offers.
While Nawazuddin Siddique is yet to respond to Niharika Singh’s allegation, his costar in ‘Sacred Games’ Kubra Sait has voiced her support for him on Twitter, saying that “a relationship gone sour, isn’t #MeToo”.
It may be noted that Niharika’s story was shared by journalist Sandhya Menon, who is among the women who have spearheaded the movement against sexual harassment in India.