India’s star badminton player and Olympic medallist Saina Nehwal joined Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP). Earlier today she visited BJP headquarters in Delhi and joined BJP in presence of BJP National General Secretary Arun Singh. She expressed satisfaction with the sports initiatives like Khelo India by the current government and also praised the working style of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Speaking to media, she said that BJP is doing good work for our country and she wishes to do the same. She has expressed her desire to continue playing for the country along with the politics.
Saina Nehwal has won 24 international titles including a Bronze medal in 2012 London Olympics. She has been conferred with Padma Shri in 2010 and Padma Bhushan in 2016. She has also received Arjuna Award and Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna awards for her excellent performance in badminton.
Her elder sister Abu Chandranshu Nehwal also joined BJP today.