PM Narendra Modi launched the Fit India Movement today. India celebrates National Sports Day today to commemorate the birth anniversary of hockey legend Major Dhyan Chand.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday launched the Fit India Movement and urged people to include fitness activities in their daily life. PM Modi paid tribute to Hockey Legend Major Dhyan Chand on his birth anniversary and said, “On this day a great sportsperson was born, Major Dhyan Chand. He amazed the world with his his fitness, stamina, and hockey stick.”
While addressing people at the Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium in Delhi, the PM administered a fitness pledge. “Fitness is zero percent investment with infinite returns,” he further stated.
The PM had earlier announced his decision to launch the movement during the Mann Ki Baat address on August 25. “On 29 August, on the occasion of National Sports Day, we will launch ‘Fit India Movement’ in the country. I want to see you fit and make you fitness-conscious,” he had said during the address.
Sports Minister averred that the Fit India Movement will develop India into a sporting powerhouse. “I urged every Indian to join the ‘Fit India Movement’ which is going to be launched by PM Narendra Modi. We will develop a sports culture and fitness movement in India. We are a great sporting country but need to have a sporting powerhouse. We have to make sports as a way of life. To begin this movement on the birthday of Chand is the best tribute we can pay to him,” he said.
A 28-member government committee has been formed to take the movement forward. The committee includes government officials, members of Indian Olympic Association, national sports federations, private bodies, and fitness promoters.