The UN Sustainable Development Goals enlists global extreme poverty eradication by 2030 as a top priority. India has significantly reduced extreme poverty during 1990-2015
UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), which lays out the action plan for achieving Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 has stated in a report that world poverty decline rate has slowed down in 2018-19.
In the annual Sustainable Development Report published on 9 July 2019; it was stated that due to the slowing pace of poverty decline, the world is not on track to end poverty by 2030 as envisioned by the UN 2030 Agenda.
It outlines the annual global extreme poverty rate index and the percentage of the population that is able to come out of extreme poorness.
UN Sustainable Development Goals Report published in 2019 has said that global extreme poverty rate has consistently declined from 35.9 percent in 1990 to 9.9 percent in 2015.
Apart from the exponential fall till 2016, the decline has been stagnant through 2016-19.
The report also outlines the impact of climate change and subsequently increasing inequality in tackling extreme poverty, particularly in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. The United Nations has defined it as living below USD $1.90 per day.
Despite the huge reduction, it projects that 6 per cent of the world’s population will still be living in extreme poverty in 2030, if the current rate of environmental degradation and inequality index trends continues.
While over one billion people have lifted themselves out of abjection over the past 25 years, maximum progress has been made in East Asia, where the poverty rate fell from 52 per cent in 1990 to less than one per cent in 2015.
South Asia has made impressive inroads against extreme poverty eradication during 2000-18.
Amongst the 736 million people who lived in extreme poverty in 2015, 413 million resided in Sub-Saharan Africa.
“This figure has been climbing in recent years and is higher than the number of poor people in the rest of the world combined,” the UN report has noted.
The report also throws light on the forecasts that without significant shifts in policymaking, It will still be a challenge in 2030.
The annual Sustainable Development Goals Report provides an overview of the world’s progress toward achieving the 17 goals set out in the UN 2030 Agenda adopted in 2015, highlighting areas of inclusive growth and sustainable progress.
The 17 sustainable development goals include No Poorness, Zero Hunger, Quality Education, Reduced Inequalities, Sustainable Cities and Communities, and Climate Action.
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