Home India Corner Coronavirus: Some countries ‘busy’ spreading terrorism as world fights pandemic, says Jaishankar

Coronavirus: Some countries ‘busy’ spreading terrorism as world fights pandemic, says Jaishankar

In an indirect reference to Pakistan, India’s Foreign Minister S Jaishankar said that some countries are ‘busy’ propagating terrorism while the world is fighting coronavirus pandemic. Jaishankar was speaking at the meeting of Foreign Ministers of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) via video conference on Wednesday. “Even as the world fights Covid-19, some are busy spreading other deadly viruses like terrorism. Fake news and doctored videos are also used to divide communities and countries,” Jaishankar said in a video clip posted on his official Twitter account.

Adding, the former foreign affairs secretary said that India has contributed substantially towards highlighting the role of SCO globally after getting included in the group in the year 2017. India attaches great importance to the relations it holds with the SCO, Jaishankar said. India will continue to work towards further strengthening the potential of SCO in ensuring beneficial development, he added.

On the coronavirus crisis, Jaishankar said that the pandemic has led to a disruption of production networks and supply chains globally. So, it’s important for SCO member states to jointly find and sustain new means of economic growth, he also said.

Meanwhile, total confirmed coronavirus cases in India surged to 78,003 Thursday. It includes 49,219 active cases, 26,234 cured or discharged, 1 migrated, and 2,549 deaths, the latest data by Union Health Ministry showed. India saw 3,722 fresh cases, and 134 deaths in the last 24 hours.