Cape Town

How Water Crisis Brought the City of Cape Town to its Knees

New Delhi: South Africa's Cape Town is facing a drought so severe it would usually be expected only once every 384 years. The army is...
Oil Tanker

Indian Oil Tanker and Crewmen Reported Missing Off Africa’s West Coast

New Delhi: Pirates had freed an oil tanker which was carrying 22 Indian crewmen and 13,500 tonnes of gasoline, the  ship went missing last...
Robert Mugabe

Heart of Darkness: How Robert Mugabe Ruined Zimbabwe

New Delhi: Zimbabwe's military leaders seized control of the southern African nation, placing long-time dictator Robert Mugabe under house arrest and deploying armored vehicles in...

India Uganda Friends Since Decades

Human migration has often been described in terms of pushes and pulls. According to ‘World Survey Monitor,’ pushes are the conditions in one’s country that creates the impetus for leaving. Pulls are the conditions in the country of destination that lures a migrant to leave home. However, this has not been the case always. Many a times this migration has been forced, and not the choice of the community.

India-Uganda Relationship Understanding the Strong Framework

India and Africa have a relationship that can be traced back to ancient times. Contacts and trade between the people of the eastern seaboard of Africa and the western seaboard of India have been going on for centuries.

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