Overlooking UP government’s appeal for early hearing, the Supreme Court today deferred the hearing in Ayodhya Ram Mandir title suit case till January. The bench comprising Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi, Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul and Justice KM Joseph heard petitions that challenged the verdict of the Allahabad High Court announced in 2010 for trifurcation of the disputed site at Ayodhya into Ram Lalla, Nirmohi Akhara and the original Muslim litigant.
The Chief Justice of India rejected the plea for early hearing by stating that the court has “other priorities”. The bench added that the fate of the decades-old issue will be decided by the appropriate bench in the month of January next year.
On September 27, the apex court had declined reviewing a ruling of 1994 that a mosque is not essential to Islam and decided to revisit it on October 29.
It may be recalled that in December 1992, Hindu hardliners razed the Babri Masjid built in 16th century on the belief that it was made on the ruins of an ancient temple that marked the birthplace of Lord Rama.