Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia recently announced that India has decided to resume International flights from the 27th of March, 2022. This comes as a relief after a two long-year gap since the suspension of scheduled international flight services in India on the 23rd of March, 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In a statement, the Ministry of Civil Aviation said that the international operations that are supposed to commence from 27th March will be subject to strict adherence to the guidelines issued on the 10th of February by the Union Health Ministry.
The Ministry of Civil Aviation had announced in November last year that India will resume international flights from the 15th of December 2021, however, due to the upsurge in Omicron, the plan was revoked. In a recent statement, the MoCA said, “After having recognised the increased vaccination coverage across the globe and in consultation with the stakeholders, the government of India has decided to resume scheduled commercial international passenger services.”
This is a great opportunity for not just overseas but India as well as it will increase the ease in tourism, hospitality and aviation industry. Ronojoy Dutta, director and CEO of IndiGo, said in a statement, “This step will provide impetus to the economic recovery for the sector and the nation, with borders opening for tourists…We look forward to connecting our customers to the people and places they love.”
Special passenger flights which have been functioning between India and around 40 countries since July 2020 under air bubble arrangements are to be rescinded as Mr Scindia announced in his tweet, “After deliberation with stakeholders & keeping in view the decline in the #COVID19 caseload, we have decided to resume international travel from Mar 27 onwards. Air Bubble arrangements will also stand revoked thereafter. With this step, I’m confident the sector will reach new heights!”