The Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Program was instituted on 15th September 1964 as a bilateral cooperation program of assistance of the Government of India with partner developing countries including Ghana.
ITEC Program
ITEC is essential for the development of relations between India and other developing countries on the basis of partnership and cooperation for mutual benefits. Under the ITEC program, 161 partner countries from Asia, Africa, East Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean as well as Pacific and Small Island countries share the Indian developmental experience acquired over seven decades of India’s existence as a free nation. ITEC resource has also been used for cooperation programmes conceived in regional and inter-regional contexts such as Economic Commission for Africa and Commonwealth Secretariat. In recent years, its activities have also been associated with regional and multilateral organizations and cooperation groupings like Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), African Union (AU),
Afro–Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO), Pan African Parliament, Caribbean Community (CARICOM), World Trade Organisation (WTO), Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and Pacific (CIRDAP), Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA), and Central American Integration System(SICA). The ITECP has several components. Apart from organizing training courses in India, it also covers deputation of Indian experts abroad, study tours, gifting of equipment, study tours, and feasible studies/consultancy services. Besides, India extends humanitarian assistance like food grains, medicines and other items to countries for disaster relief and humanitarian situations.
ITECP is designed to suit the developing countries for their working professionals in the areas of Agriculture, Food and Fertilizer, Banking, Finance, Accounts and Audit, Cyber Technologies, Education, Engineering and Technology, English Language, Environment and Climate Change, Government function, Health and Yoga, Human Resource Development and Planning, Irrigation and Water Resources, IT and Business English, Management and Leadership, Media and Journalism, Petroleum and Hydrology, Power, Renewable & Alternative Energy, Project Management, Quality Management, Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation, SMEs and Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Development and South–South cooperation, Telecommunication, Textile, Trade and International Market, Urban Planning, Vocation Training Women Empowerment. Moreover, defense training covers all the three wings of the defense services and imparts training in various specialized and technical courses at prestigious institutions like National Defence College, Defence Services Staff College, etc. The training field covers security and strategic studies, defence management, marine and aeronautical engineering, logistics & management, etc.
As part of the ITEC Programs, a large number of Ghanaian nationals (approx. 2,600) have availed training under various short-term and medium-term courses.
In 2016, during his visit to Ghana, the former Indian President Pranab Mukherjee recognising the importance of this programme, announced the decision to increase the annual scholarship seat allocation from 250 to 300 under ITEC and Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) scholarships from 20 to 40 per year. In 2017-18, about 150 Ghanaian nationals, nominated by the Government of Ghana, underwent various training programmes in India. Under the ITECP, the institutional dimension has played a significant role in the
India–Ghana relationship.
Success and Futuristic Vision of ITECP in Ghana
Many Ghanaians have been extremely appreciative and welcoming towards the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Program. The ITECP alumni, while sharing their experience of India, praised India for its civilizational depth, cultural diversity, economic progress, and for its consistent support to Ghana over the years. People of Ghana participate enthusiastically every year in large numbers in the Annual ITECP Day celebration. India, though committed to more university exchanges and joint S&T research projects with Ghana through various other means, holds the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Programmes as having the maximum potential to explore new areas of cooperation with the latter. As development of human resources is critical for the advancement of any country, ITECP is an initiative that will go a long way in the advancement of both the nations’ interests and needs.
CV Raman Fellowship
Department of Science and Technology (DST) and Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, through the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) have launched the C.V. Raman International Fellowship for African Researchers Program under the Indian–Africa Forum Summit to promote human capacity building through scientific and technological cooperation between Africa and India. This prestigious fellowship is aimed to further strengthen the bond between Indian and African nations in the field of science and technology. Ghana has been beneficiary of this C.V. Raman Fellowship and more than 20 Ghanaian nationals have benefitted in the areas of science and technology.
ICCR Scholarship
The Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) was founded in 1950 by Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad, an independent India’s first education minister. Its objectives are to actively participate in the formulation and implementation of policies and programmes pertaining to India’s external cultural relations; to foster and strengthen cultural relations and mutual understanding between Indian and other countries; to promote cultural exchanges with other countries and people; and to develop relations with nations. The ICCR scholarship is offered to students for undergraduate, post-graduate and doctoral studies and Ghana is one of the beneficiaries of the scheme. Ghanaian students have availed of this facility which is fully funded by the Government of India in various universities in India. A total of 16 slots have been allotted to Ghanaian students for the year 2018-19 to pursue higher studies in India.
India-Africa Forum Summit
The India–Africa Forum Summit is the official platform for the African-Indian relations. IAFS is being held once in every three years. It was first held from April 4 to April 8, 2008 in New Delhi, India. The summit presented the occasion for the African countries to reiterate the special nature of the relationship with India. This summit called for greater cooperation between India and Africa towards sustainable development, agricultural growth, energy access, blue economy, education, skills enhancement and peace and security. The third IAFS Summit held in New Delhi in 2015 reaffirmed that development cooperation is the cornerstone of India-Africa partnership. This is reflected first and foremost in the theme, “Partners in progress: towards a dynamic and transformative development agenda.” The summit calls for India and Africa working together towards an inclusive economic growth to eradicate poverty and allocate resources for sustainable development as defined in Africa’s agenda 2063 and its first ten year implementation plan as well as the sustainable development goals under the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and the development priorities of India. Under IAFS Program, the Government of India has offered various scholarships to African countries for capacity building of their human resources. About 100 Ghanaian nationals are beneficiaries of the IAFS. Both civilians and military personnel in the areas of Agriculture, Information Technology, Food Processing, Peacekeeping etc.