India’s G20 Sherpa Shri Amitabh Kant led an Indian delegation to the second G20 Sherpa meeting assembled by Indonesia in Labuan Bajo from the 10th to the 11th of July 2022. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, last week, had approved the appointment of Niti Aayog’s former CEO Shri Amitabh Kant as India’s Sherpa for the G20.
The first Sherpa meeting of G20 under the Indonesian leadership was held from 7th to 8th December 2021. This year, the Sherpa meeting of G20 revised the progress made under various Working Groups of the G20 Sherpa Track. Shri Amitabh Kant, in his involvement in various sector-specific sessions (Health, Agriculture, Tourism, Digital Economy, Education, Employment, Energy, Environment & Climate, Trade-Investment-Industry, Development, Anti-Corruption and Empower) reiterated India’s dedicated support to Indonesia during its G20 Presidency, outlined India’s accomplishments and experiences, and stressed the need for addressing global challenges in an inclusive, forward-looking and cooperative manner.
Shri Amitabh Kant put emphasis on the importance of all G20 members collectively addressing health, food and energy security challenges efficiently, in an urgent, cooperative and equitable manner. He also spoke about the need to promote and protect the interests of small and marginal farmers, and to highlight sustainability in the tourism sector. He stressed the importance of data and digitalisation for development, financial inclusion, capacity building, empowerment and sustainable job creation.
Shri Amitabh Kant also called for the development and climate issues to be considered very seriously. He highlighted the rapid strides made by India in scaling up renewable energy and recapitulated India’s COP 26 commitments. On issues related to migration, he put emphasis on the need to further enhance international engagement and facilitate safe, orderly and regular migration.
G20 Sherpa Shri Amitabh Kant also held bilateral talks on the sidelines with all his G20 counterparts, guest countries and participating international organizations. In these meetings, he shared India’s ideologies on global issues and the forthcoming G20 Presidency and discussed ways to further support the Indonesian Presidency to achieve the expected outcomes.
Shri Amitabh Kant proved to be instrumental in setting the prospects for India’s presidency, which will come to the country later this year. The G20 Sherpa meetings layout the groundwork for their leaders and act as their envoys for several G20 meetings and provide crucial policy inputs.
Shri Amitabh Kant later tweeted about the “positive & constructive” Sherpa meeting, saying: “Wonderful meeting of G20 Sherpa’s on board a sailing boat at Labuan Bajo, Indonesia.”