Home From The Sidelines International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace, April 24

International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace, April 24

The International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace was established by the United Nations Organization (UNO) and is celebrated on April 24 every year. The United Nations was created with the express objective of preserving world peace and security and promoting goodwill among states. On December 12, 2018, the organization established this day to promote awareness of its primary objective and uphold the principles of multilateralism and international cooperation. Since then, a day dedicated to raising awareness of multilateralism and diplomacy for peace has been commemorated annually.

The day recognizes the role of multilateral diplomacy and decision-making in acquiring peaceful resolutions to conflicts among countries. It was established by resolution A/RES/73/127 on December 12 of last year, and it was first observed on April 24 in the year 2019.

Multilateralism: What is It?

Bilateralism and unilateralism are frequently used as contrasts to characterize multilateralism. In a strict sense, it denotes a sort of collaboration among at least three states. But this “quantitative” definition falls short of capturing the essence of multilateralism. It is true that it is not just a matter of practice or the number of actors involved. It entails adhering to a shared political purpose based on the respect of a set of agreed-upon standards and principles. Multilateralism in particular is founded on guiding ideals like consultation, inclusivity, and solidarity. Rules that have been jointly agreed upon to ensure long-term and fruitful cooperation govern how it operates. They specifically apply themselves continually (and not on a case-by-case basis, depending on the situation handled), guaranteeing all players the same rights and obligations.

Therefore, multilateralism is both a strategy for collaboration and an organizational form of the international system.

 International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace

Since the end of the First World War in 1918, there has been discussion and concern about world peace. Every country recognized the need to promote world peace as a top priority, and the first course of action was to create an organization to handle this duty.

The first intergovernmental body concerned with promoting world peace was the League of Nations. It was established by the Paris Peace Conference following World War I. The league was disbanded after 26 years because it was unable to thwart the Axis Powers’ aggressions during World War II.

The effort to bring about world peace did not, however, come to a halt as a result of the organization’s demise. The United Nations (U.N.), established in 1945, began with the dissolution of the League of Nations. With a founding membership of 51 states, it was established just in time following World War II. It was created to uphold global peace and security and avert future wars.

The foundation of the United Nations was multilateralism. Multilateralism can be defined as the union or coalition of several nations working toward a single objective. Because it opposes unilateralism, even the smallest powers are given a role in international affairs. The United Nations has emerged as the most recognizable representation of multilateralism and served as the model for other multilateral organizations, including the World Health Organization, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization. 

In order to uphold the principles of multilateralism and international collaboration, the United Nations established the International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace in 2018.

The Importance of International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace 

1. It Encourages Peace: This day is all about encouraging methods of achieving world peace and promoting their use.

2. It Encourages Unity: One of the important parts of this day is that multilateralism is a concept that encourages the alliance of countries around the world.

3. It is a Good Cause: We should all be proud of and eager to contribute to the worthy cause of promoting peace, unity, and security.