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Greek and Egyptian Foreign Ministers to Discuss Bilateral Relations and Regional Issues in Athens

In a significant diplomatic meeting, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry met with his Greek counterpart, Georgios Gerapetritis, in Athens on Monday. The discussions, held at the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, covered a broad spectrum of bilateral and regional issues, including the ongoing crisis in Gaza, and reaffirmed the commitment of both countries to strengthening their strategic partnership. The meeting commenced at noon and was followed by delegation talks, culminating in a joint press conference at 1:15 p.m. The discussions were pivotal in preparing for the inaugural high-level Greece-Egypt cooperation council, which aims to enhance coordination across various sectors, solidifying the already strong ties between the two nations.

Central to their agenda was the enhancement of economic cooperation and energy projects. Shoukry emphasized the importance of accelerating the implementation of the “GREGY” electrical interconnection project, which will enable Egypt to export electricity produced from renewable sources to Europe via Greece. This project represents a significant step towards greater energy integration and sustainability in the region. Shoukry also extended an invitation to Greece to participate in the upcoming joint investment conference between Egypt and the European Union. Both the ministers highlighted the importance of regional cooperation within the tripartite framework with Cyprus. Shoukry expressed Egypt’s aspiration to host the next tripartite summit, underscoring the need for further developing joint projects and achieving tangible results. This framework is seen as crucial for enhancing regional stability and economic development.

The situation in Gaza and the occupied Palestinian territories was a major focus of the discussions. Shoukry briefed Gerapetritis on Egypt’s efforts to contain the crisis through intensive contact with both parties to the conflict and international partners. He emphasized the necessity of a comprehensive solution that guarantees the rights of Palestinians and leads to a permanent ceasefire.  The ministers also explored the broader regional implications of the Gaza conflict, including potential threats to maritime navigation in the Red Sea, and discussed other regional developments, such as the situations in Libya, Syria, and Sudan. These discussions are crucial for coordinating their positions and responses to emerging threats and ensuring regional stability.

After the talks, Shoukry and Gerapetritis agreed on the importance of continuing close consultation and coordination on regional and international issues. They expressed their commitment to deepening bilateral cooperation, ensuring a prosperous future for the relations between Egypt and Greece. The meeting not only reinforced the historical ties and shared values between the two nations but also set the stage for enhanced collaboration in addressing shared challenges and opportunities.